Turns out, yes. Because that’s where we went next. We wanted to go see a friend of Alexander’s, Isaac, a fellow spaceship-builder. Well, actual spaceship builder; Alexander is an aspiring spaceship-builder.
Due to a timing miscommunication, we didn’t get to spent so much time with Isaac as he had to revise for a flight (eh? how do you revise for a flight?). But we were very well welcomed by him and his family. Kimberly finally got the female interaction she desired, and although Alexander was quite bewildered with the petty girl drama (as he has supposedly never been a girl), Kimberly was all ears as she talked with Isaac’s daughters and wife.
After sharing a bottle of delicious chocolate wine (umm, HELLO best combination of my life!!!), we bid farewell to Isaac and headed to an incredibly soft, comfortable bed, that SOOOO BEAT the floor in Many Farms. Upon awakening, we realized we slept far too long (again), and missed saying goodbye to Isaac and his daughters. BUT we got to do laundry, so we, although somewhat sad we missed the rest of the family, were incredibly giddy at the fact that we would soon have clean underwear.
We left the beautiful Detrinidad household only to realize that there were awesome things to do in San Jose, and we wanted to do them all. We ended up heading to Apple headquarters, and were very excited until we realized that they don’t give tours…so no, we did not get to steal any information on the iPhone 5. Alexander attempted to take a picture inside the facility but that action was quickly kaboshed by Apple’s brutal-but well dressed-security staff. Kimberly took a far more sensible approach to exploring the facility; by playing up her feminine charms and her tiny bladder, she finagled her way farther into the facility in search of a bathroom :)
Next was the San Jose Community Rose Garden, a glorious display of community wealth and pretty flowers. Kimberly probably would have been content to stare/sniff all day, but we had places to be…namely, the Tech Museum in downtown San Jose. We arrived 20 minutes before closing time, and the adorably
cute guard (Kimberly’s opinion, not Alexander’s) let us in for free! There is nothing better than the word “free” to 2 frugal road trippers. We quickly explored the museum, ran through the outdoor fountains, and got back to our car before the meter expired…the first time we’ve ever been early for anything!!
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